EAHC Permanent Secretariat

EAHC Newsletter

SER.No.5 - August 1986



  1. Mr. Kang, Republic of Korea, visited H.D. Japan
  2. Dr. He, China, visiting H.D. Japan
  3. Japanese H.D. New Surevey Vessel on the Stocks
  4. Sino-Japanese Joint Oceanographic Study of Northwestern Pacific Ocean
  5. Inauguration of Ocean Current Information Service, Hydrographic Department of Japan
  6. Pacific Ridge moving between plates
  7. New Satellite Geodesy Office of H.D. Japan
  8. Marine Data and Information Service Corner of JODC
  1. JICA Group Training Course in Hydrographic Survey, 1986
  2. JICA Group Training Course in Physical Oceanographic Survey for 1986
  3. Individual Training

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Call for Contribution/Article

The EAHC Permanent Secretariat would like to invite EAHC Member States and readers
to submit contributions/articles about any event or activity.
Comments and suggestions on this Newsletter are also welcome.

Please send any contribution/article, comment or suggestion
to the following address:

Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department,
No.63  No.62  No.61  No.60 

No.59  No.58  No.57  No.56 

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No.47  No.46  No.45  No.44 

No.42-43  No.40-41 

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No.32  No.31  No.30  No.29 

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